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What in the world is a Behemoth and a Leviathan?

Job 40:15-24 describes the behemoth as a huge land animal that ate grass, had strong hips and stomach with a large tail and huge ribs. He lived near low marshy areas. See also Psalm 74:14 and 104:26 Also mentioned in 4Ezra 6:51 of Apocalyptic literature. Sure sounds like a type of dinosaur to me. Job 41:1-34 describes a leviathan as a huge sea serpent with nose, jaw with teeth and skin of scales. He had a strong neck and an underbelly with sharp points. He could breath out fire and smoke and was hot enough to heat the sea around him. He was large enough to leave a wake where he swam. He was capable of jumping out of the water high enough to come crashing down. Psalm 74:14 says he had multiple heads that could be crushed, allowing the wilderness people to eat him. Psalm 104:26 also confirms him as a sea swimming beast. Isaiah 27:1 describes him as a fleeing sea serpent. He is described briefly in 4 Ezra 6:52 of Apocalyptic literature. This guy sounds a lot like the dragons described in mystical tales or perhaps an early relative of the whale. He sounds like he would be really awesome at night.


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