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God’s Rx for Healing Body and Soul

Because of God’s love He sometimes physically heals through miracles of grace without the person doing anything, however, scripture does show that God is also moved by faith and obedience to His word. The following are thoughts to what we can do to help encourage God for physical healing and spiritual healing.

1. Repent and receive Christ (If you have not already) John 3:16, Romans 10:9

2. Pray for the in-filling of the Holy Spirit for power (If you have not already)

3. Build faith: Study the Bible, speaking positive words of faith. Speak in tongues if you have received the Holy Spirit. Pray and fast if the problem is large. Matt.17:20-21

4. Forgive those who have hurt you by word or deed or action.

5. Turn from the world and seek God by what is seen, heard, done and said. God desires regular fellowship with us as we share our daily lives, dreams, questions and concerns. Love the lord thy God with all thy heart. Matt.22:38 Because he has set his love on me, I will deliver him. Psalms 91:14

6. Confess sins to God, repent and ask for forgiveness. James 5:13-16

7. Cast out spirits of negative words, pride, guilt, lust, hate, rejection and fear from the body, bad attitudes (anything not of God) rebuking Satan with scripture. James 4:7-8

8. Be compassionate as Christ is: Help others and pray for others

9. Enter God’s courts with praise and worship, then agree with another faith partner to Ask the Father in earnest once for healing in the name of Christ. After that continue to give thanks and worship God as you receive the healing through faith. Speak positively.

10. Do actions of faith and continue in faith remembrances using prayer cloths or things that encourage you in Christ . Speak positively in faith. You get what you say!

11. Give the problem to God and rest in His love. Continue to speak God’s healing words and let them sink into your spirit.

12. Accept God’s grace and compassion for healing! Expect a miracle! Praise God! If, after a long time the healing has not manifested (become evident), ask yourself these questions.

1. Is my faith strong enough to absolutely know God should receive the glory for the healing that He has done? Am I sharing the good news joyfully?

2. Am I doing what God wants these days? Am I loving and kind in the image of Christ?

3. Could God be testing me to build me in righteousness for my own good or His? Hebrews 12:5-13 Be encouraged…

a. Time is short before the rapture of the righteous.

b. God could be preparing you for a ministry calling?

c. If your illness is serious, God could be ready to call you to a reward you will not regret.


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