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The Lighthouse

Lighthouses come in various shapes, colors and settings. To be functional, they must be very visible with a strong light that can be seen by those they guide to safety. The light gives direction with an implied warning to those that stray and do not heed the light that disaster awaits those that do not care enough to strive in earnest and chart the right course. Lighthouses are also an encouragement to those they guide. They say someone cares about the lost and has carefully planned the path to safety. Usually, someone has already made the dangerous journey successfully, making the way clear for others to follow no matter how strong the tempests rage. The light must never go out, for it alone has the power to penetrate the darkness and unaffected by wind, shines above the hidden dangers below it. The light is a beacon to all, a fixed reliable guide, trustworthy and true.

Lord, may I be a lighthouse to someone today. Let them not miss the path you crafted in love, guiding along life’s perilous journey as a mainstay. May the light of Jesus be seen as the master who charted the way. He beckons to all, I am here, waiting to receive you. Heed my light I pray. Place your trust in my word and Spirit, they will not lead astray. My Father has the power to calm your fears this day. He sent me to show you the way.

Reach out to me that I may brush your tears away. I am your path of safety, who calls to you today.

Heed my warning, your soul is in terrible disarray. But there is hope for I will guide you, no matter come what may. Through my tears I call to you, you can be safe today. Look to me now and never more delay.

Lord help me be a lighthouse, with base so firm and fixed that your light shall never falter but shine to all about. Keep my faith burning brightly, to hot to ever be put out. Let your word go forth in power, shouting over the waves. This is the way to safety; Christ is the one who saves.


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