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Satan, Lucifer, Beelzebub, Belial, The Devil, Prince of the air, Prince of this world

Created beautiful, wise and perfect by God. (As an angel) Ezekiel 28:12-15

Desired to be equal to God when pride crept in. Five “I will” statements. Isaiah 14:12-15 Fought with his angels against Michael and God’s angels in heaven, but lost. Rev.12:7,8

Was overcome by the blood of the Lamb (Christ when He rose from the dead) and by the word (of God). Rev.12:11 and 5:9 The kingdom given to the Father, by Christ when death was destroyed as the last enemy. (Christ did this when He rose from the grave.) 1Cor.15:20-27

Was cast with his angels (which became demons) into the earth. Rev.12:9 Christ saw Satan fall from Heaven like lightning. Luke 10:18

Now called Lucifer Isaiah 14:12 Called Beelzebub Matthew 12:24

Called the God or Prince of this world or age John 12:31, Ephesians 2:2, Blinds the unbelieving ones to the truth. 2nd Cor. 4:4

Called the Father of lies. John 8:44

Called the great dragon, Serpent of old, the Devil and Satan. Rev. 12:9 Called the accuser of the brethren. Rev. 12:10

Called Abaddon and Apollyon (destroyer). Rev. 9:11 Called an adversary or enemy. Matt. 13:28, 39

Called the wicked or evil one that snatches away. Matt. 13:19 Is a liar. John 8:44

Deceives and leads astray people. Rev. 12:9, 13:14, 1 Timothy 4:1,2

Is a murderer from the beginning and a liar from the beginning. John 8:44 Is a tempter (with evil and doubt). Matthew 4:3

Tempted Christ in the wilderness. Matt. 4:1-11 (Temptation can be overcome by recalling,

speaking and obeying scripture of God’s will.)

Was limited in what he could to Job. Job 1:12, 2:6

Is angry, knowing he only has a short time (on earth). Rev.12:12

Walks about as a roaring lion seeking who he can devour. 1 Peter 5:8 Persecutes the woman (speaking of Israel) that gave birth to (Jesus) Rev.12:13 Wars with those who follow Christ. Rev. 12:17

Gives power to the Beast. Rev. 13:2 Signified by 666. Rev.13:18

Will be bound and thrown into a bottomless pit for 1000 years. Rev.20:2,3 & 9:11 After the 1000 years will again deceive people for a short time. Rev.20:3,7,8

Will ultimately be thrown into the lake of fire forever. Rev.20:10


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