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Why are some people apparently not blessed when they tithe?

First, know that blessings come in many ways and in many forms. Blessings can be of a spiritual or physical nature. Some spiritual blessings are reserved for heaven. Ephesians 1:3 75 Blessings can be hindered by unbelief or a lack of faith. Matt. 13:57-58, Mark 6:4-5 Blessings can be canceled if they are desired for our own pleasures with no thought of pleasing God. James 4:2-4 There are also times when God may open a door of potential blessing but we may not choose to enter in. Sometimes we have to be willing to accept new opportunities where God desires to bless us. Blessings usually happen after difficult times of testing. It may be that some cannot endure the testing and fail. God’s greatest blessing is salvation through Christ, which we have to choose to accept. Seldom do miraculous gifts of blessing come as cash in the mail. We have a great deal to do with our own worldly success. To receive high pay we must choose work that is in demand and highly valued. A newspaper carrier will never earn a doctor’s salary. Another option is to gain wealth by managing many people, who are doing something needed well, and to gain income through their work. A third method for income is to develop and earn money on something desired by many. Of course, God always has options for miracles.

Do not give up on God! All things are possible through Christ. Attitudes are very important when working for others. If a person does not try to do good work, they will not and they will fail. If anyone is often negative in speech or appearance, or is perceived in a bad way, people will not desire their presence or work. To compete with others, people must aggressively pursue success. Good advertising, modern methods, timely responses and reasonable rates are important tools to seek and retain customers. Personal salesmanship and desire to fulfill the needs of the customer are parts of the bold spirit required whether obtaining promotions or winning people to Christ. Abilities and interest are basics in being successful. It is just as bad to be unprepared to work as it is not to want to work. With sufficient desire most people can become prepared for any job. However, if a person’s attitude leads them to dislike a work, the work may suffer and they will assuredly suffer also. Perhaps, even to the point of harming their health.

Consider also the possibility that God may desire to use people to encourage others who are also suffering or who are working alongside. Opportunities for service to God may require that some rewards be given in non-tangible ways which nonetheless give present happiness or peace of mind in the midst of hard times. How can we put a price on healing, a healthy body or the salvation of a loved one. Scripture tells us to think on positive things and rejoice even if we can only envision future better times to come. God is still in control. One reason he tells us to count our blessings is because in counting them, we are forced to look for them. Tithing is a way that we honor God and show that we appreciate His blessings. It shows how much value we believe that God has in our lives. God could have just withheld the tithe amount from our income, but He knows that true relationships involve giving gifts and trust between the participants. Tithing allows us to return part of His gift back to Him to show our care and honor for Him and the importance of our relationship with Him.


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