Questions and answers index.
Questions and answers: Index
Why are some people apparently not blessed when they tithe?
How do I know God and Christ’s resurrection were real?
Is it possible that Judas Iscariot was saved for Heaven?
How accurate is the Bible?
I’m supposed to love my enemies, blessing them and praying for them? God, surely you are kidding!
The three faces of God (The Trinity)
What in the world is a Behemoth and a Leviathan?
How could God lose glory as described in John 17:5 ?
Why was Christ’s first miracle turning water into wine at a wedding?
What is the meaning of a white stone and a new name received in heaven? Rev.2:17
How could Christ escape all sin including the sin of Adam, passed on by blood?
How to interpret the parable of the Vines
Jacob’s curse
Ask – Believe – Speak – Receive
God the Master Gardener
God’s Rx for Healing Body and Soul
Why did God choose Job for trouble?
God does not change
Why did the crowed turn on Jesus when he was being judged by Pilate?
Why God told Moses not to cross the Jordan River
Praying Effectively
Why Christ killed the fig tree
Holiness originates with The Father
Are there people on other planets?